We are excited to begin gearing up for Summer Camp 2017! This year we will be doing The Munchkin Mediation: Conflict resolution in OZ. This full-length musical is a fun and silly romp back through the land of OZ…. one year later! Participants will learn social skills, conflict resolution, theatre, […]
Daily Archives: March 30, 2017

We will be joining the exceptional Families Network and PAVE for Autism Awareness Day this Saturday! We will be giving way silly theatre related items and promoting our upcoming summer camp! We hope to see you all there. More information is on the EFN website at http://www.exceptionalfamilies.org/autism-awareness-day.html Saturday, April 1st 10:00AM […]
Autism Awareness Day and Family Info Fair

Theatre and social skills classes are on hold during the spring for all students. However, we are gearing up for a summer of fun with our summer camp in partnership with Exceptional Families!